How is it done
The network to support OVC can be broken into the following parts.
Staking or Restaking assets to serve as security foundations. The mechanism and ability to slash malicious behaviors prevents them from happening in the first place
Executors that can run on any type of device. There’s little to none hardware requirements, download the executable on the device (could be a browser extension on laptop, mobile app, or a containerized image) and the device automatically becomes compute power resource in the network
Execution with light cryptographic commitments. For each type of task, aside from executing the computation, the executor also generates a lightweight cryptographic commitment so this can be verified by anyone later. This ranges from hashes, encrypted or signed messages to results from lightweight MPC.
Result aggregation and quorum/outlier discovery. Each task will be executed by multiple executors so that quorum or outlier could be easily discovered. This automatically exposes suspicious executors to more scrutiny. In addition, even results in quorum are still up for question any time.
Cryptographic fraud proof. Finally for any suspicious executor’s result, or simply any result, anyone should be able to look at the reported result and the corresponding commitments, and generate a cryptographic proof that malicious behavior has happened, slash and earn their staked assets.
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